Direct Debits Via Go Cardless ...
Pay for our services the easy way with the UK's number 1 system for direct debit payments that is recurring but not set to a specific date.
Payment is requested AFTER R-Clean have provided our service and you will recieve an email from GoCardless informing you of the payment collection date.
All you need to do is fill in the simple form by clicking the button below and R-Clean will do the rest. Be assured that your information is safe, all information exchanged between you and go cardless is encrypted to a high level and R-Clean will never recieve your Bank/Card details.
Via Bank transfer ....
Bank details ie: sort code and account number can be given when requested in order for you to make a simple online payment from your own bank account to ours.
Via PayPal ....
1) Click PAY NOW (You will be automatically directed to a secure Paypal page)
2) Enter your Street name, number & postcode in the ENTER DESCRIPTION box & the outstanding balance into the box that states ITEM PRICE, then click UPDATE (the amount due will be on the ticket you received on the day of the clean)
3) Log into your Paypal account or click "PAY WITH A DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD" to enter your card details (no registration is required and payment can be made as a Paypal guest)
4) Double check address and amount of the payment and click pay now (ensure address of property cleaned is correctly entered as this is used to identify the payment)